When should you start saving for retirement? Now is the answer, my dear friend. There is no better time for you to put money aside for your retirement than at this very moment. The sooner you start saving, the better your retirement funds. You don't want to wait until 5 years before retirement to think about that. Now! Time is in your hands. I just came across an article that beautifully illustrated the information with data. Check this out here . And remember "Time is Money" See you next time!
Does your room look like this? Ask yourself these questions: Do you feel stressed when sitting in your room/house? Do you get upset or annoyed easily when getting back to your room/house? Do you feel like nothing can be done? Do you feel like you can never find anything in your room/house? Or things just mysteriously disappear? If you answer yes to most of the above questions, your room/house needs a good clean up. According to University of Minnesota, your personal environment can have a positive or negative effect on your mood. The research has shown that rooms with bright light can improve and anxiety. So, you can guess what a messy room can do for your mental health. You can read more about the research here . Other than that, you bought all of them... with your hard-earned money (of course excluding the gift your friends bought you - wait for it, I will come back for it later!). It is no rocket science that you bought stuff thinking they would make you happy but afte...